Information about +2382311355

Trace Owner details of +2382311355


+2382311355 is business number, listed for MINI-MERCADO EXTRA. MINI-MERCADO EXTRA is a Supermarket in Cape Verde. The contact address of +2382311355 is Av, Prof. Alberto Leite, Mindelo, Cape Verde. MINI-MERCADO EXTRA business has a rating of 4.1 out of 5.

Business Address Av, Prof. Alberto Leite, Mindelo, Cape Verde
Business Rating 4.1
Business Category Supermarket

Browse Other Numbers:

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2389805345 Bar Restaurante SILA
2382361182 SUCLA
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2382312061 Fragata Ch� de Alecrim
2382326922 A.O.C.
Cell Number Business Name
2389765051 Barbearia Bom Visual
2382321626 Turiscar Rent-a-Car, Lda
2389259570 Kriol e Basta
2389999629 Aiza BarberShop
2389325974 P�o quente

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