Information about +238 260 53 10

Trace Owner details of +238 260 53 10


+238 260 53 10 is business number, listed for Tribunal Constitucional. Tribunal Constitucional is a State government office in Cape Verde. The contact address of +238 260 53 10 is Avenida China, Praia 0011, Cape Verde. More information for +238 260 53 10 can be found on their website Tribunal Constitucional business has a rating of 5 out of 5.

Business Name Tribunal Constitucional
Business Pincode 0011
Business Address Avenida China, Praia 0011, Cape Verde
Business Website
Business Rating 5
Business Category State government office

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
+230 213 5384 GEF Small Grants Programme
+238 222 12 54 Gare Mar�tima porto de Porto Novo - ENAPOR
+238 222 13 88 ENACOL
+238 984 62 42 Barracuda
+238 281 26 85 Hospital S�o Francisco De Assis
Cell Number Business Name
+238 285 11 54 Cart�rio Notarial de Brava
+238 266 11 30 Hospital Regional Santiago Norte
+238 260 21 40 Hospital Agostinho Neto
+238 262 39 70 Centro de Saude Achada Santo Antonio
+238 263 10 99 Centro de Sa�de Achada Grande Tr�s

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