Information about +238 982 23 60

Trace Owner details of +238 982 23 60


+238 982 23 60 is business number, listed for Livraria Nho Djunga. Livraria Nho Djunga is a Live music bar in Cape Verde. The contact address of +238 982 23 60 is Rua Senador Vera Cruz 84 Mindelo S�o Vicente, 2110, Cape Verde. More information for +238 982 23 60 can be found on their website Livraria Nho Djunga business has a rating of 4.4 out of 5.

Business Name Livraria Nho Djunga
Business Pincode 2110
Business Address Rua Senador Vera Cruz 84 Mindelo S�o Vicente, 2110, Cape Verde
Business Website
Business Rating 4.4
Business Category Live music bar

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Cell Number Business Name
+238 230 76 00 Vivo Energy Cabo Verde
+238 232 34 90 Escola Salesiana de Artes e Of�cios (ESAO)
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+238 236 11 22 CCV - Ag�ncia de Tarrafal (Ilha de S�o Nicolau)
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