Information about +238 231 37 35

Trace Owner details of +238 231 37 35


+238 231 37 35 is business number, listed for Casa Caf� Mindelo. Casa Caf� Mindelo is a 3-star hotel in Cape Verde. The contact address of +238 231 37 35 is Rua Governador calheiros, Mindelo, Cape Verde. More information for +238 231 37 35 can be found on their website Casa Caf� Mindelo business has a rating of 4.2 out of 5.

Business Name Casa Caf� Mindelo
Business Address Rua Governador calheiros, Mindelo, Cape Verde
Business Website
Business Rating 4.2
Business Category 3-star hotel

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
+238 230 02 74 Kira's Boutique Hotel, Lda
+238 998 98 64 Casa Senador Vera-Cruz
+238 255 11 54 Igreja Paroquial de Nossa Senhora da Luz
+238 236 10 50 Port of Tarrafal
+238 977 17 14 Hotel Caf� Cha-l�
Cell Number Business Name
+238 981 07 07 SAL ACADEMY
+238 241 11 30 Hospital do Sal
+238 241 14 00 Esplanada Bom dia
+238 586 91 73 SAL CONSULTING
+238 241 17 82 Pensao "Paz e Bem "

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