Information about +238 231 50 15

Trace Owner details of +238 231 50 15


+238 231 50 15 is business number, listed for Universidade Lus�fona de Cabo Verde (Mindelo). The contact address of +238 231 50 15 is V2V6+VP7, Mindelo, Cape Verde. More information for +238 231 50 15 can be found on their website

Business Name Universidade Lus�fona de Cabo Verde (Mindelo)
Business Address V2V6+VP7, Mindelo, Cape Verde
Business Website

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
+238 589 98 30 Monte Sossego
+238 231 96 77 Armando Cunha Cabo Verde
+238 261 47 68 Praia Cl�nica
+238 237 14 31 Igreja do Nazareno
+238 261 64 32 Instituto do Emprego e Forma��o Profissional
Cell Number Business Name
+238 255 14 90 INPS � Instituto Nacional de Previd�ncia Social
+238 266 11 30 Hospital do Tarrafal
+238 977 75 68 Sabores Ratatui
+238 222 12 18 La Lampara
+238 272 11 30 Health Center

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