Information about +2389227131

Camilo's bakery, Cape Verde

Trace Owner details of +2389227131


+2389227131 is business number, listed for Camilo's bakery. Camilo's bakery is a Bakery and Cake Shop in Cape Verde. The contact address of +2389227131 is Ch�o Bom, Tarrafal 0031, Cape Verde. More information for +2389227131 can be found on their website Camilo's bakery business has a rating of 4.6 out of 5.

Business Name Camilo's bakery
Business Pincode 0031
Business Address Ch�o Bom, Tarrafal 0031, Cape Verde
Business Website
Business Rating 4.6
Business Category Bakery and Cake Shop

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
2389136562 AgroSac
2389259394 TCHABETA ; Eventos Lda
2389259394 TXABETA - Imperio Costa
2389256444 Oficina mecanica gi
2389955247 Riba ponta loja pina
Cell Number Business Name
2382659015 Mini Mercado Alcides E Lurdes
2385308672 Oficina auto reparadora garcia
2389200771 �den Padaria e Gelataria
2389755353 Cooperativa Sulada

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